Sunday, April 24, 2011

students may likewise chance the maximum hated teacher

Original Address: 400 educational wisdom of outstanding teachers: the education
Hsin Lin
This is the 400 excellent teachers from the profound depths of the soul spacious splash out more than 600 bloom spray. This outstanding teachers of the soul 400 depths of the wisdom gathered, condensed with literary aptitude, this mixture of more than 600 spray flowers with shine, glittering party. a drop of water can reflect the sun's rays, a extensive sea spray can be implied. and this is is a small language education underpinned by the World Education infinite changes.
hear to the pith of a small language, thankful Educational Complex, reflection educational action, motivate education, inspiration, guide to new calculating, germinal education, comprehension, improving education quality, cultivate prose skills.
these Words of education exquisite 400 outstanding teachers from the tip of the brush, is the voice of thousands of educators. Each is a small language are educational thinkers, reformers, and practitioners crystallization of the wisdom of thinking, is the founder of thoughtful insights, is a emotion of profound personal experience, great care is the motif of ​​sparks. peruse the small principal, gives us the wisdom to allow us to reflect on and promote us to alteration. Every tiny phrase is reiterated items are value pondering cautiously.
educational wisdom (1)
1 sense of awe and happiness
students apt reinforce the sense of reverence and pleasure in the sense of civilization. refine the child's sense of reverence, including reverence as life, reverence as nature, the magnificent panic, awe and so beauteous, namely namely, apt refine children's awareness of the value of life, closeness apt nature, the pursuit of magnificent things, and desire. If there is no such reverence for young human, then it is possible to be a lawless person, one inner globe of their own is not fastening ashore the people, a absence of vision and spirit of the pursuit of people.
in primary and secondary schools should be commended for making children feel really happy, continue to better ourselves happy, to conquer difficulties to fulfill the target is also happy.
(From 2003/11/6 tube tin-based)
3 Master lonely
They entered the study of the state, is often shown by sleepless nights, regardless of safety, and even secluded .- They know better than anyone, power. ......
Chinese old saying: have to be immersed in solitude in the selfless devotion to work - work is their life itself, not the manner to fared their families. Loneliness is a necessary condition for their work, rather than can not stand the ache. historical dialectics is the pursuit of shape seeking active attributed to muffle; willing to lonely, lonely immortal cheerful. Masters brings excitement, but they are inherent, but also should be lonely. When the masters are sharp to renown when they fell, they finished . Some Destructive Enthusiasm, less fraud, the aggregate is too many to ask is not it .......< br> (From September 9, 2202
disadvantages of today's education students nowadays look at life, mechanical and monotonous, mediocre and boring. They struggled in the heading the sea, climbing mountains in the job; their personality and uniqueness suppressed and ignored. Imagine how much time students nowadays with Shakespeare, Pushkin, Hugo, heart to heart talk commenced; how much time and Beethoven, Debussy, Tchaikovsky expand the exchange of intelligence and emotion; how much time and Black Heidegger, Marx thought and thinking encounter to start on; how much time to pamper in Van Gogh, Leonardo da Vinci among the colors and lines, which are spiritual impact. their life without verse, music, drawing and philosophy they do not the spirit of the grazing. can be said that the wastage of life, education, happiness, could beyond undermine people's intellectual and inspired activity, and may even be weakening because of human nature and jeopardize the emotional and moral formation of character.
(from 2003/5/28 process. If students do not imagine, it is because we do not must wish and love sprinkling his heart, did not nightmare sprout birth, so that they grow their own colorful dreams. Once a child dream Let it fly freely of their heart. care of invaluable eagerness, the creation of tender value, flying flying guts, sharing the joy of growing ...... all our duty.
(From 2003 11 Friends of the class teacher, The contributions of individuality, the spirit of the stand. to enable students to mind no weeds, no dust, no sordid, the only path is to capture the mind with the moralities of the wilderness, planted in the mind of a child on the noble character of the seeds, enterprising spirit seed.
(From 2003 11 imparting direction to promote experts, scholars, masters how to cost your time, Haoshouqiongjing, but very few true about their colorful leisure life. Do not you see, our teachers are always more students to enjoy the sleepless nights, day and night, with little to adviser students to uphold the sleep 8 hours a day, and strive to be, to create a healthy leisure life ....... good education, students should aspire for leisure and for leisure is the development of the space for freedom. no leisure, no free development, there is no deep on the world, matchless insights, fulfil, understand and grab. demand however they read, further the utilitarian spirit of the roaming, to remove the pressure meditation, most likely thinking of the unique creation . thought, freedom of flying, you need a vast psychological space, and can only recognize the ponderous burden of the inner world becomes restricted.
(From 2003 Ninth cried a little stoop spirit, their innovation and creativity necessary to have capability. Again, you let the kids will become a happy person, teachers themselves should learn at the outset to live happily. The wisdom of life and personality of their own challenges. know ? the existence of the most essential way of life is to create. Every day, our heritage of human civilization, we should also create their own rich spiritual life, get back healthy and happy mind. teachers, friends, let us learn to relax your mind it!
(taken from the 2003 Ninth are dedicated to the schooling of young. generous go of teachers. Indeed, the magnificent need for pedagogue education in the flaming sincerity, teachers absence to sweat the humidity, otherwise, laborious to support up the gently rising education.
However, the teacher, you are not saints, you are born not only difficulties comprised, you also will enjoy life!
access to education, to make himself as a flesh and blood, humane people, not just painful burning, draining the last tear of the candle, not just wriggling body, pain in the spring silkworm silk clouded the last one. the pursuit of happiness and will enjoy the happiness of education!
enjoy life, we must care a kind of life, will feel the chromatic life of the periods situation, not equitable recycling tarnish study-room - bureau - dorm extremely humdrum fleeing alley. moonlight dim, winter and spring of the small, artistic symphony, watching football call ...... should melt into your life!
access to education, we should think. teachers can not do mechanical operator, we must strive to take the initiative and create work. ideal; To adore yourself, treat yourself, reverence for life, life with the light of life, and strive to himself, students
(From 2003 Ninth others, or from his own marrow, can give us the infinite power and infinite sagacity, she ambition all like our lives a block of stone grind, allow us to keep living the life of the all-conquering sword keen.
(From 2003 Tenth Every day we are brainwashing the babies, acquaint them to be industrious, to work hard, be stimulated, have a sense of emulation, the first of several ...... even bring our teachers and schools have been used to Children lined the results posted on the most famous ranking areas. do not know, do not pass the test, last test is the children's rights first, these kid need dignity and love. In numerous countries, students scores are considered their seclusion and non-published.
we forget they are children, only youth, teens. For them, the most important thing is healthy and agreeable body and mind, strange about the world, is something happiness, filled with curiosity, respect and concern for others to know, love and understanding of democratic ......< br> But we work with the endless, disciplines, papers covering them in the morning they get up before dawn at night can not bear to let them sleepy. Our teachers and principals to comfort myself that this is the child responsible. but there was no edible for thought, a healthy either eyes were boiled the myopia, the natural spine a little bent, a lively nature increasingly polished, some children suffering from mental ailment ...... This is the too early to put anything in the adult world to pass to their children, let them carry a little too early life unbearable burden, unwarranted drain on their health, Reiki and creativity should be stifled the child's nature . The most frightening thing is that teachers and schools have this as the only right and appropriate, and sin becomes a accustomed.
(From 2003 Tenth )
12, the new curriculum to teachers thought out answers we have been encouraged his
: ; a bucket of water methodology not be annuals, an Questions and nature; children should continue to develop their own in the collection of the human progress. the development of education should be a mansion constructed on the basis of the activities of the distillation process.
(From 2003 Tenth confident and dynamic intelligence to swing to mental calm, loosened mood, outlook elapse and present, hug prevalent, Lenovo, skeptical and critical, inconsistency, divergence, combined, induction, deduction, galloping imagination, inspiration ...... Lonely germinal long, just the cradle of knowledge, wisdom, a breeding ground.
see a falling apple Newton germinal idea of ​​universal gravitation, Wegener theory of continental drift was base lying in the bed defense, University of Cambridge, p.m. tea to drink out of the sixty Nobel Prize winners.
present, leisure, freedom does not arise to belong to our students, their three-shift slumber, just before dawn, the first cantilever, cone biting, language teachers out, math teacher came. lost class human rights, freedom of the next lesson lost. did not have time to watch the splendid outside world, read their preference books, doing their favorite thing, not have their own space to think.
(From 2003 Eleventh Profession, , there is no meaning. for our masterpiece education, and extra is to impart knowledge and skills of the train, as cultural enrichment and masterly accomplishments of the addition, often to bypass.
a better work, even now it is the world's literature art, in the eyes of some of our teachers, but also as the eyes Paoding cattle, it is not all livestock, only a few words, sentences, and their combination rules. it plainly, is the knowledge and skills exercising, and other vanquish, the only This is the reality. One implication of the wealthy culture of the implication is simplified, and compressed, so that a ministry must be content-rich Masterpieces been compressed into a block of biscuits, the lack of authentic.
(From 2003 Eleventh ..... man analogy is often sincere, self-discipline, it will certainly move others, naturally appreciated by the people. Maybe you never care about the scrupulous care of you that will bring about a lonely soul so much shock; may you never expect to see so many people memorize that various places in various industries for you to teach them life principles, With heart sincere gratitude to you ...... please turn those dusty memories, in the Behind every smiling face, looking for a warm and moving it.
(taken from the Eleventh 2003
our education should enable students to understand that not only the approval of gifts to get happy, not only the exam but can have a happy, not only the mass answer to experience pleasure, happiness is a lot.
such as to give pleasure. happy not only from the harvest, but also from the grant. giving pleasure is a infrequent globe filling the transparent texture and glorious happiness of human nature.
such as sympathetic delight. the world's most vulnerable people who do not, everyone Others can become strong, everyone is more in compassion with the weak than their mawkish experience and behavior to disburse, access to the charitable and full of the spiritual world.
example, the joy of forgiveness. impossible to live without error, misdeed is not pleasant, but excuse the errors are errors be fun to make up, people consequent fall into an open-minded Kuanshu happiness is a kind of tolerance, is a noble.
such as praise happiness. praise not only joy to others, also make yourself happy - to see other people because of his applause and happy, how can your heart not rising from a happy? compliment it you'll be a happy seraph sowing. Happy Thanksgiving
instance. heart full of appreciation are the most peaceful of the warmest people. but where so many dissatisfaction with critical disdain, for planters of grain output, thanks to creeks send water, thanks to the sun to send light and appreciation Let us contentment.
such as commutes of happiness. alone people cause unattended, he himself closed. the gallantry to open their minds, and the other with it, where the world's most pleasant things: Friendship ; where the most precious thing: confidence.
such for the pursuit of happiness. there is no objective to chase those who do not wade in the world, drift favor the grass growing on the water, do not own their journey without intention Therefore, there is no real happiness of their own.
education, amuse let the students enjoy the colorful life of the spirit of fun growing it. Please add us believe: that happiness is the only permanent and everlasting, is to arrange people the basis of life and mental health.
(taken from the Eleventh 2003 If once said: look cute and magnetic. As a teacher, the face of growth and development of children, the more need to smile. Modern psychological research shows that mood and emotion is infectious, and teachers can give students a smile to create a beautiful atmosphere. smiling face of students, not merely empower teachers to their students, teachers, students will also learn to smile, care, comprehending and kind to others, to face life with a smile.
smile as an asset, everyone can accessible have but a smile in education is so important.
(From 2003 18 is the rain, but spring to wake up quiet the mind, is fertile floor for breeding life is the nourishing oasis of life ......< br> love, protection, esteem, perseverance, tolerance, understanding, is looking along to is the
Love is on the board during recess time and time again the ferocious flame; love, is a zealous interpretation of life and steadily with the course of ......< br> Love, in the end what?
love is leaking wears away a stone; love, Pu Shi, can Jade carving.
truth, adore is the world's most beautiful and most selfless, most noble and most sincere sensibilities.
(taken from the 2003 Tenth entire have differ personalities. Some happy, carefree; some introverted, maudlin; some crisp and vulnerable. the class teacher to be gifted with a couple of eye, but cautious, such as cilia, in their time of sadness, to give happiness; in helpless when they give patronize; frustrated when they give solace; inferiority complex when they give encouragement to every child's mind ...... all bright.
(From 2003 seven people, due to the inner world of the great differences in the isolation of the noble and mediocre talent, and even the noble and ignoble.
the skirmish to survive the pressures and temptations of matter interests, turned their eyes and consideration toward the outdoor world, no longer concerned approximately their the inner world. The outcome is dwindling and blank soul, only 1 of the world body more than busy. For a man, there is no more tragic than this thing.
(From 2003 XI Living in a modern society's bottom line ethics. bottom line of ethics that every membership of society consciously obey by the minimum code of ethics. Hugo said to be a angel, it is a special circumstance; to be a person of integrity, that is man Initial customary ....... market economy, the value of the formation of unlike embryonic cause, machine freedom comes in the meantime, the bottom line ethical challenges. do not annihilate, do not lie, no fraud, no adultery, no stealing, on the market economy urgently reiterated. you can not do self-sacrifice, but you can not selfish; you can not saints, but you should coincide with the moral and merciful. you can not climb the highest state of morality, but virtue must adhere to the lower threshold, it is mankind's last barrier! is a living body. He was nativity with a lot of question marks, so the knowledge of his nature; men with a brain, so the thinking is his normal right; people have their own physical and mental activity, starting emerge from to independence ; human spirit to transcend the physical subsistence, so the thought in the free ride; people have the wisdom of mineral resources can be amplified, so there may be growing; people are social animals, so agreeable in the growing demand; human dignity of people, so the need to respect; who was the value, so needs care. In short, the first tone from the babe began crying, people in the growth of, formative, creating. people always destroy with the past into the future, to the others, to the community to the natural and open process, produce a new Some heads, education should respect the value of human life.
(From Andy, of weight, will value.
drop of spring water, if not heaviness, they will not fall from the cliffs on, dropping water, the interpretation of will not fall taint, take root and bear the fruit of countless.
So, where does the weight of life?
potbellied? not, because life is not the weight of body weight, like a candle, it not wax and tangle the weight of the weight, but the brighter your light burning;
beautiful skin? not, because life has naught to do with the body weight, like a chip of coarse diamonds, its weight is not smooth stone surface, but a beautiful heart;
millionaire? Guanju a product? not because of the weight of life and wealth, the right has nothing to do, like grain size has nothing to do with the-head.
stop and think carefully think, in fact, the most important of this world, than a selfless heart. shows the weight of life is selfless. happiness and joy in life are embedded in favor of.
(From 2003/12/26 The worry and depression. At this point stop and dedicate themselves to the most unusual is that their own practice and to bring them to seriously reflect on the profound reality of social experience.
(From 2003 Tenth )
educational wisdom (6)
26, addicted to reading the book
no time restrict. drizzly rain in the spring, whether or clear, bright midsummer night; both Red Leaves in February flowers in late autumn, or the deserted bridge frost of winter, can Shoubushijuan. or studying education and education books and publications, or back a few Tang poems, Song or chant a few tie down, or enjoy the Feeling and Writing prose, or visit a Ministry of memorable masterpiece. If among the reach of home cup of tea, there fragrance curl, enjoying a truce of mind for leisure Yiqu.
(taken from the Eleventh 2003 addicted to the book I understand community guidelines, distinguish right from bad, so I studied to think and interpretation usages; went to school, cerebral philosopher rinse my soul and make my life repeatedly and another to push to distend; school, I wander culture, the ocean, digestion of the earth's noise and impulsive, restore back to my world of the lukewarm tranquilize.
(From 2003 18 > 28, reading is a happy happy
reading is, reading is amusement. Through reading, you can extend the wings of the mind, so that becomes a gifted smile; can look thought the stars, so that vision have become deep; can build the ideal the stepladder, so you're all full; can savor different kind of life, so life becomes the sun. We promote healthy reading, we love freedom, rational reading, tread by step because we aspire to success, the pursuit of progress every day. to every day left reading time, to stay quiet reading time every mood, a peaceful feeling to each left a lengthy scholarly, Four Seasons will be so full of warm, sweet youth will thus flood.
(From the seventh in 2003 of the came attach to create the best in them. the results of civilization, the human spirit, that is, through assorted disciplines of the described in the works is known, the breakthrough of the nameless world, but also the potential for self-discovery of spiritual power. After all, this but the actually attractive to you to discover, through your feelings, experiences, imagination and into your inner spirit. all depends on your own.
(From 2003/12/3 > 30 paperbacks gives us ......< br> If you only care about the bustle all day long, you will gradually lose the people's spirituality, but also your lack of spiritual nourishment. does not nourish the spirit of the people, but is a dead, so we can not do without literature, should learn to enjoy reading. text feature is so great that it can outline the world in Vientiane. In the book, we can appreciate the prettiness of the flower, tree, stout; dance The graceful, melodious songs; deep text, diagram imagination; asset understand the vicissitudes of people ... ... things in this world worth watching is so rich, just wait-intentioned people to discover, to experience, to scatter.
(From December 25, 2003 with the growth of feeling, Make every day work experience and the life lesson, the constant reiterate and synopsis, perennial exploration and distillation. class work not only full, but full of glory; class life is not only happy, and immortal.
32 the significance of a class
not been a class teacher, is not a perfect teacher; a complex work to flee from the class teacher of teachers, lack of education as a music teacher.
(From 2003/12 / 1 Remove the seeds of disloyal, the hideous, malign weed to love the sun and rain, fostered a full humanity of the great trees.
(From 2004/1/5 students most threaten to be near to teachers, students may also chance the most hated teacher, depending on the attitude of the class teacher to students. So the class teacher, the aptitude of human kindness, is a matter of ethics education opener to success subject.
(From 2004 / 2 P26 Bai Haidong )
35, a teacher is a teacher
happiness is happiness, will learn their own the temperament of a man of knowledge and teach students, it should be said better than all the gifts of the world, in terms of the giver and the recipient, are happy. hand-arm with Opening of Chaos children to the temple of human civilization, to sucking nectar of knowledge, the essence of civilization is like the feeling ...... the first time young moms sweet milk feeding their baby baby, nothing more than such a state of happiness Jiaoren.
(From 2003 18

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