Wednesday, April 27, 2011

penetrate the appendix

A35-WP / 1 39 1 EX/56 1 3/09/04 (5 页) C0404379 35th Session of the General Assembly, the Executive Committee Agenda Item 15: Protection of helicopter engine emissions on the handling of the growing clash of weather alteration suggestions (from members of the European Civil Aviation Conference, 41 States parties to submit 2) Summary This document drew attention to the human approximately the clash of aviation ashore climate alteration
increasing concern, it namely necessary to limit alternatively reduce the engine emissions on the universal environment, in order to assist sustainable growth of aviation. Conference Action: The General Assembly, in its consolidated expression reflects the 1st 14 recommendations involved in paragraphs. Background 1. Committee on Aviation Environmental Protection (CAEP) has undertaken considerable work of aircraft emissions. the multinational ICAO one deed taken (1996), adult the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) special report km than 40 years ago to improve oil efficiency at about 70%. 1 English and French editions by the European Civil Aviation Conference (ECAC) obtainable. 2 Albania, Armenia, Austria *, Azerbaijan, Belgium *, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria , Croatia, Cyprus *, Czech Republic *,toronto escort,Two archive distribution fashionable whale Slim cute short-sleeved cotton clothes pattern Long T -sh, Denmark *, Estonia *, Finland *, France *, Germany *, Greece *, Hungary *, Iceland, Ireland *, Italy *, Latvia *, Lithuania *, Luxembourg *, Malta * , Moldova, Monaco, Netherlands *, Norway, Poland *, Portugal *, Romania, Serbia and Montenegro, Slovakia *, Slovenia *, Spain *, Sweden *, Switzerland, The sometime Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom *. * The asterisk in the catalogue of the European Union. A35-WP / 1 39 EX/56 - 2 - 2. CAEP has been carried out the following:. to consider how technology invented by improving the engine and body devise to fulfill dilute emissions;. attention of the new and choice management framework in rejoinder to engine emissions caused by the atmospheric effects of the appropriateness;. have begun to climb and cruise conditions relating to appraisal below the usage of unload go to supplement the existing airport-related land and off standards;. considered cheap nitrogen oxides (NO X) emissions technology and long-term technology goals. 3. IPCC report a use of 992 for the pedestal year, produced by the atmosphere share of radiative forcing of always person activities of the absolute 3.5 percent. in the pedestal circumstance, the air generated by the radiative forcing in the 1992-2050 duration is anticipated will be 3. 8 The coefficient of growth in 2050 will approach 5% of always human activities. According to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Annex 1 Parties to the report, the International Air transport greenhouse gas emissions among 1990 and 2000, an boost of 48%. 4. the aircraft by changing the backdrop of trace gases and motes and the formation of condensation degree of interference with the air. aircraft emissions, including CO 2 and H2O such as greenhouse gas, can absorb terrestrial radiation and chemically vigorous gases,shanghai massage, changes in O 3 and CH 4 so namely the normal greenhouse gases. motes with the Earth's radiation poise directly interact or affect the formation and radiative properties of clouds. There is a generation shackle, the aircraft instantly to the collection of emissions in the air, changing its chemical and micro- physical properties, and change the atmosphere of radioactive substances, which changes the radiative forcing and accordingly changed the climate. 5. According to CAEP / 6 meeting to consult the latest atmosphere traffic growth forecast, 2020 will be 4. 1% annual growth rate in among 2002 and 2020, there will be 12,667 aircraft added the fleet nigh the earth to accommodate this growth. While the aircraft and engine technology has improved the efficiency of the air traffic system improved , will send environmental benefits, but these are not offset by the anticipated boost in aviation emissions growth, such as the IPCC stated. 6. In January 2001, IPCC 3rd appraisal report considered always the manifold sources technological certify on climate change. The report concluded that In the 20th centenary temperature ascend by about 0. 6. C;. Over the past 40 years, the lowest 8 km in the atmosphere seems to have additional temperatures;. ice thickness has been reduced;. global mean sea level has risen, sea heat content has increased 7.. by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) Finance Initiative, a report commissioned activities (, executives, stipend trustees and bodies 1 1999 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Aviation and the Global Atmosphere. A35-WP / 1 39 - 3 - EX/56 investors will increasingly were coerced to make reaction. monetary creations will absence to estimate the overall consolidated monetary obligation cases m which will escape via all sectors of the economic and all zones approximately the world to entirely inform their m investment banking, things treatment, equity research and portfolio risk treatment activities. World Meteorological Organization (WMO) presented a periodical to the CAEP 1 suggested namely climate change could include weather conditions, such as high surface temperatures, strong winds and convective weather, the air of the operating conditions will have a negate impact.'s hereafter plan requirements 9 . ECAC all 41 countries of the air of greenhouse gases. 10. In response to climate change impacts of aviation on the growing concern ICAO Assembly resolution A33-7 (September 2001 / October) requested the Council to limit or reduce the engine of the environmental impact of emissions policy adoptions to the Two of the emissions trading approximate of a voluntary approach m, and the additional is in line with Guide to one accord. 1 2. Kyoto Protocol phones on all parties to carry out by ICAO to limit or reduce greenhouse gas emissions from aviation. But in the mutual sense to take premeditated movement are still difficulties. This gives those who have specific commitments to reduce emissions countries to take premeditated action without a global addition of pressure. 13. m we need to address these impacts will be whether we do not deed so that the pressure to increase, there will be rigid claim management or freeze the development of infrastructure, or even either simultaneously. further disapproval to the development of airport capability will adversely influence the airline manufacture. other industries are taking action m which there are risks that the air behind the people, and may be without full consultation with the aviation manufacture, aviation or not to seek opinion to take amounts. Conference Action 1 4. ECAC Member States requested the ICAO Assembly 35th Session: a) acknowledge the impact of aviation on climate change in scale up serious over period; b) facilitate the development policies to assist those is the of and may need to take action to limit or reduce emissions, therefore, these countries attach with the ECAC Member States do not 1 CAEP/6-IP/31 - climate change impact of aviation actions. A35-WP / 1 39 EX/56 - 4 - A35-WP/77 document supporting the proposal of the General Assembly resolution on the ICAO Council discussed a market-based measures, which should revise its Appendix I (see the postscript) the text in array to implement market-based amounts to reduce greenhouse gases to limit the likelihood, in particular urged the ICAO to make the needful legal, economic and technical studies, not to the implementation of CO 2 emissions charges. d) request the Council to proceed to patronize efforts aimed at further correction of existing technologies and running activities, if possible, make sure the aviation industry to reduce emissions and facilitate the sustainable growth of current technology and run. mmmmmmmm 1 See C-DEC 1 72 / 1 9 5 and the determination in paragraph 6. A35-WP / 1 39 EX/56 Appendix A Appendix A Resolution No. A33-7 Appendix I extract the General Assembly: 1. Requests the Council to continue to amplify countries to apply to reduce or limit the environmental impact of aircraft engine emissions, principally in mitigating impact of aviation on climate change aspects of the leading principles of market-based measures, and to amplify concrete proposals as soon as feasible to the method the highest goal of addressing aircraft engine emissions, assess the prices and benefits of various measures and actions taken to obey with the retinue framework, in the process, countries should aspire to answer to servant and worldwide aviation emissions on a non-action: a ) Voluntary measures 1) to encourage States and other amused parties to take short-term action, in particular via voluntary measures to limit or reduce international aviation emissions; and 2) urged the Council adopted leading principles for formative such measures (for example, for quantifying, monitoring and verification of emissions action to reduce or guidelines), including a template voluntary agreement to enhance action and early action to ensure that the national behalf and then not thereby disadvantaged; b) and emission-related charges 1) admission of 1996 Council on December 9 emission charges on the chronic validity of the resolution; 2) Urges States to emulate the existing guidelines embodied therein; 3) Urges States to refrain from unilateral action, the use of the existing guidelines do not meet the emission-related charges approach; and 4) urged the Council to make further studies on this publish and develop further guidance; c) Emissions trading 1) accepted the establishment of freedom of international aviation emissions trading system; and 2) requires the Council as a precedence, the development of international aviation emissions trading guidelines, which focuses on air to partake in free commerce regime created the structure and legal root, and include reporting, monitoring and obedience and other elements; when providing consistent, flexibility. m end m

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