Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Chongqing Municipality

18 scientific and technical issues of public concern in China
Li, Su Qing synopsis answer to the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, National Natural Science Foundation jointly organized the accumulation, collect, systematize 18 science and technology issues, according to basic research problems, engineering difficulties and mysteries of the natural world are described, respectively, Class 3, to activate scientific and technological personnel, primarily in China, including a crowd of post-doctoral, Ph.D. scientists, including the gallantry to devote themselves to science , conquer technology challenges, and enhance the popularization of scientific knowledge and inspire the public love of science and technology, interest in learning technology to improve the curiosity of young people to explore the unknown. This set of Chinese science and technology issues of public concern, refer to the public or scientific and technological operators in China closely and with interest, has even now completely resolved, or a broad academic consensus already, or still there is considerable controversy, and with the scientific, technical or engineering-related, and have academic value and social significance of basic research problems engineering and technical difficulties and mysteries of the natural world.
Keywords of the Chinese public; science; technology; science and technology issues
CLC N1 Document code A Article ID 1000-7857 (2008) 05-0019-07
Abstract A pedal to solicit complicated problems to contribute to the drive, which are prepared in groups as narrated to basic researches, engineering, and earth puzzles. They entire are unsolved problems or problems involving magnificent argument and are of amuse to Chinese public in common and to Chinese scientists and engineers in particular. A terse detailing is given to every problem and it is wished that this periodical may give some food of thought in the exploration for learning and for the pursuance of science.
Keywords Chinese public; science, technology; problems in science and technology
0 Introduction
Albert Einstein once said: Each technological problems often lead to break the major advances in science and technology. Therefore, discovered, and to solve various technological problems, either scientific research and technological development, an important chapter of scientific and technological progress is an important tread .2007 9 month, the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, National Natural Science Foundation to carry out jointly issued a technology, interest in the pedagogy sector [1]. sectoral response to the above 4 problems, engineering and technical difficulties and the natural world to be introduced mystery Category 3, to stimulate scientific and technological personnel, especially in China, including the majority of post-doctoral, Ph.D. scientists, including the courage to dedicate themselves to science,shanghai massage, overcome technology challenges, and promote the popularization of scientific knowledge and stimulate public love of science and technology, interest in learning technology to cultivate the curiosity of young people explore the unknown world.
listed in this can be entirely determined, or in academic or without the broad consensus there is considerable controversy, and with the scientific, technical or engineering-related, and have academic value and social significance of basic research problems, technical engineering difficulties and the normal world, a secret .18 China's scientific and scientific issues of public concern, the selection and presentation materials, or from the journal of academic papers on technology, or from newspapers published in China's science and technology related news, or from books of published scientific articles on. As Collection The material is limited, coupled with the restricted level of knowledge, this story introduces the 18 selected and the Chinese scientific and technological issues of public concern, the problem of performance, the legislature elected to describe the accuracy of the width of scope, etc., are exists in a cloud of problems, expect the reader to critique and also hope that the reader or recommendation made to the publishing br> 1.1 ; whether any even number not fewer than 6, can be written as two prime numbers? Bach guess, To: each even number can form g6 two prime numbers mm even conjecture was after often referred to as (1,1) or primes. As mysterious surmise the inference is even conjecture that any large odd mm minus 3 is an even number of prime numbers, it is proved that the conjecture is equivalent to prove that even the odd conjecture [2].
years, it has been proved not made any substantial progress. Until 1920, the Norwegian mathematician old Brown was in a screening method proved that the expressed as two 9 and the production of premier mathematics. after somebody began to conjecture made important breakthroughs, including the Chinese mathematician Wang proved that the Wang, Pan cooperation proved that the . This is the new reach, a new fancy, it may be in the could afterward certify to be? afterward prove on behalf of a state of mathematics. 7. This is exactly to 7 decimal locations of pi enumeration, he's leading the world level in 1000 years. until the 15th century, Central Asia, Al. Cashin was to crash this log, obtain to the nearest 16-bit p worth . According to upload, Zu has written a math book, lost. So, arrange for making the times, Zu is how to diagram out accurate to 7 decimal areas of pi p merit? If using the then 12288 inscribed polygon, to get such precision p value. If it existed in China since the Han Dynasty, , then by fewest to retain the 12-bit decimal and 12 decimal areas and prescribing a power at the time were not cozy. Therefore, the Zu p value of pi calculation method is still an unsolved scientific problems [4].
1.3 What Causes Lake which category?
lakes can be divided into several categories according apt cause: the formation of the lake by the river cried the River accident track lake, the lake fashioned along the marine activities of the lake cried the Sea trace; In adding, constructed lakes, glacial lakes, lake, volcanic lakes. an of our 5 largest freshwater lake Taihu Lake namely the type of the causes of what has still controversial.
early Some scholars believe that ancient sea by Lake evolved from the lagoon, the lake is a sea jot. scholars hold this view imagine that 5000 years ago, the Yangtze River mouth, than it is now depending on at Zhenjiang, Jiangsu Province, Yangzhou area, south of Qiantang River, the Yangtze River estuary is also closer to inland. These two rivers cost months and years to bring their own area of ​​sediment collection in the estuary, the constant extension of the estuary jaws in between the two form a large bay. Over time, sandwiched between two rivers surrounded by sand on the Gulf, the canal gradually been blocked off, water can not enter,beijing escort, the land of the river water was continuously added, the Gulf's salty water began to fade from the new lake thus formed [5].
later, researchers found that the Northern Song Dynasty and nearly rotten stumps, meantime also discovered the lake dating behind 6000 ~ 10 000 years ago, Stone Age ruins of ancient humans. The researchers surmised that about 6 000 ~ 10 000 years ago, the Taihu Lake area is a low flat plain, accordingly, the formation of Taihu Lake and the crustal action may be related to [6].
recent annuals, savants have put forward a current point of view: while there was a colossal and archaic meteorite from outer space flying, fall smooth , and punched a colossal lake. to aid this view is based on: outlook from the outside contour of Taihu Lake, the recurve northeast, Lakeshore is broken; Southwest is sticking out of the banks is very clean, favor a airplane arbitrage, the overall shape typical of crater. Taihu rocks are everywhere around the show by the meteorite impact evidence [7].
1.4 Quaternary glacial movement existed in Fujian you?
2007 年 8 月 3 日, previous early Quaternary, where the glacier was covered [8]. This is the 3rd in recent years, some scholars have demanded that the territory of Fujian Province, detected that ancient glaciers direct outcome of climate and surroundings, and important sites, is to carry ice meltwater debris, debris material, top-down onward the ice to crack beneath course Dishuichuanshi bedrock for a strong impact on the formation of craters and grinding , for of its shape much like the stone mortar of ancient Tsuishine named high that the vast measure here Moulin, form a wealthy, a large U-shaped tank base ice hanging, ice ridges, glaciers and glacial boulder spade and slitting sites, which are strong evidence of glaciers existed. Some experts also questioned: the formation conditions of ice have to be cold weather, near-surface mean yearly temperature under 0 ℃, a year circular of the snow; Quaternary ice old, huge weather change on animals, plants, geology, geomorphology and so produced a huge affected, Wuyi Mountain in Fujian Province's maximum region on Earth with the latitude, but it preserves the most complete, most typical and largest in the subtropics of the native ecosystem; In addition, Fujian has extensive Jurassic to Tertiary relict plant, indicating that Quaternary glaciers did not form in Fujian. prop this view of the experts believe the newly discovered so-called If the final discovery is accustomed, not only can explain the existence of Fujian has been glacial and Quaternary geology environment will promising be rewritten [8].
1.5 SARS from where exactly?
2003 on 1 21, Zhongshan City, Guangdong Province Health Department to report on alike patients with pneumonia, the Health Department sent a medical expert analyzed with SARS investigation and confirmed that super-infectious disease. That night, the experts completed the critical academia has not been resolved .2003 April 16, the World Health Organization has alleged, SARS virus is a another of coronavirus. Then Some experts point out, SARS may result from variation of animals may also get cracking wild animals eruption of SARS may be caused by brutal animals for human expense 23 .5, Shenzhen and Hong Kong scientists announced that they successfully from wild animals like civet cats secluded the SARS virus, gene series thinking showed that SARS-like virus human SARS virus has more than 99% homology for the first time that the humans from the etiology and epidemiology of SARS virus originated in animals [11-12]. Nevertheless, some experts believe is too early to conclude on this issue on SARS traceability is tantamount to prod in the haystack, we can not rush that must comesintoseffect animals. scholars hold this view that the SARS virus due to the current ecology remains to be seen, and only mastered the SARS virus can actually control the natural ecological outbreak of SARS pestilence Therefore, the host can not find SARS virus, SARS outbreaks of the disease at any time may re-[13].
1.6 What the Chinese people originated where?
of people origin and where accurate? a long time, scholars of ancient human dominant view is held: the origin of human creatures in Africa, and the only origin of .2000 in August, the United States and Israel, the geological and archaeological experts announced their archaeological discoveries and research findings: human progenitor at least 78 million years ago migrated to Israel from Africa, Eastern Mediterranean, the human ancestors, , more than ten million years ago hominids came from Africa, Eastern Mediterranean, and some estimate that this occurred 50 million years ago. And the United States, to archaeological experts concluded the prehistoric few hundred thousand years, and beyond support the African origin of human argument [14].
20 years since the 20th century, China's ancient human and paleontologists continue to find in mainland China and activities of ancient human fossil remains, scholars began the origin of the human point of view may result from .1985 in China, China's scientists Huang WB Wushan County, Chongqing Municipality, Longgupo found a tooth fossils dating back some 204 by the years, said the teeth and thus unearthed at the site a fragment of a mandible found in the earliest of ancient human fossils, which will be our time to move forward in human development 100 million years, and concluded that the Chinese people may not originate in the African continent. But Wu X Z. Academy of Sciences has that this fossil belongs to Australopithecus mandible were not part of the [15].
2006 年 7, the U.S. scientist Steven. Olson and through the establishment of the family tree prototype calculated Conclusion: now live in this 6.5 billion people on earth have a general ancestor, they lived thousands of years, or rather thousands of years ago in East Asia living in the area, and even China. Olsen's research in the UK proclamation now caused controversy. Nankai University, Professor Chang Jianhua, from a easy numerical point of view, Olson's theory makes sense, but purely theoretical numerical causing can not be proved with facts, and numerical logic can not replace human multiply logic [16].
2007 年 4 on 3, Chinese Academy of Sciences Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology, Hong Shang, with the text, and the United States St.. Luis Marcus Sterling Professor, University of Washington in National Academy of Sciences, The earliest modern human remains. They base that some of the rural specifics of Cave Man is immediately more fashionable theory of the origin of modern people in Africa raises solemn challenges
war [17] .2007 November, researchers at the Institute of Ancient Huang WB Research Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology's originated in the Yangtze River Three Gorges [18].
view, whether of human origin and where the issue will continue in the academic learn, discuss, argue.
1.7 China's exactly where the source of dust storms? < br> air and sand dust storm is the interaction of caustic climate phenomena commonly happen in the northern arid areas. relevant information, there are five important dust storms in northern China, the source area: the centre of the Hexi Corridor of Gansu Minqin space; to Wada-centered southern margin of South District; to maim the lake as the center of Alxa Plateau; Hangjinqi Yike prime town in Inner Mongolia's Ordos Plateau as the center, as well as Zhu and sand as the center of the Inner Mongolia zone Hunshandake [19]. In recent years, some academics have recommended, is located in the southwestern Sichuan Province, the dust storms are likewise feasible sources. Sichuan University Professor Liang Yuxiang on the eastern corner of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau for decades Ruoergai zone precipitation and dust storms occur in northern curve of the number of times Graphics and discovered that, as long as one year precipitation Ruoergai zone increased the number of dust storms in northern region and drought intensity will be reduced; In compare, precipitation in the region by the time the Ruoergai diluted the frequency of dust storms occurred in northern areas and drought intensity to a corresponding boost; and is recognized as one of the sources of dust storms in the Hexi Corridor, the rainfall among the North and the sandstorms and no clear correspondence among cause and effect. Liang Yuxiang studies have shown that 1995-2000, Ruoergai ecological environmental degradation, land drought, desertification and the northwardly of the 175 speed dust monitoring points to the inspected variation between the file surprisingly invariable. After 6 years of research, Liang Yuxiang intended Ruoergai zone if only the source of dust storms, or at least important Start the source, br> After 2000 years of calamity and survived, Qin Shi Huang Mausoleum is undoubtedly one of mankind's most precious cultural heritage, focusing on if or not to explore, detect, including when the Qin Shi Huang Mausoleum, Qianling other arguments, including a long imperial mausoleum , and has not in the academia and relevant government authorities have reached a basic accordance. as an important tourist, cultural, archaeological research resources,up accessible below tough. my wife down apt the motorcar holding the koala, advocating imperial mausoleum was excavated, there are various interest-driven ecology, but likewise has archaeological research absences. Therefore, the requirements and advocates to explore the voice, the apply, the quondam 40 years has not been intervened .2006 October, the notable economist Zhang Wuchang mm issued a blog post is to open the tomb of the First Emperor's time, is attracted wide consideration and heated controversy [20].
the excavation itself a destroyed imperial mausoleum protection it is a rebuttal, which archaeologists discover tomb of the emperor universally opposed. In this issue National Heritage Department has always insisted on National Heritage Board, the lawful said, such as imperial tombs in Shaanxi Qianling excavation temporarily, the present chief task is to defend them for future generations [21] .2007 year, Tong Mingkang, deputy director of the National Heritage Board in an interview that the imperial mausoleum of the great archaeological value, the new excavation, protection technology is still distant off, although, is tantamount to havoc of excavation; temporarily explore other imperial mausoleum mausoleum, but it is important to consider the cultural resources of intergenerational equity, make future generations have the same culture and our purchaser rights. He punctuated that the finite technical method, or not mature under the premise is leap to lose a large number of imperial tombs to explore cultural, archaeological and other information, which is made of hereafter generations
Crime [22].
So, what time to browse other dictator Qin Shi Huang Mausoleum tomb is suitable to become a peppery topic of public care.
2.2 Sanxingdui ancient civilization and technology comesintoseffect?
Sanxingdui Ruins in Sichuan north of the outskirts of Chengdu, Guanghan Sanxingdui, which is a BP 5 000 ~ 3 000 years of the ancient Shu culture site, is a major 20th century archaeological discoveries. since the 20th century, 20 years now, Chinese and foreign archaeologists The large number of archaeological excavations carried out and case studies, found a large number of exquisite heritage sites and the wall, and exquisite chips, superior technology, especially in the gold disguise (also a bronze mask) and the gold scepter amazing. the mask functions high nostril profoundly set eyes, exactly like Westerners; and exquisite gold scepter generally considered a character of royal power, kingship and the representative of Chinese culture, the tripod, jade stamp completely different. These are people raised the question: is located in the Sichuan earth Sanxingdui civilization and technology comesintoseffect? scholars generally believe that China, Sanxingdui memory in 3 different but the face of perennial development of 3 archaeological culture, that is, the Chengdu Plain to the summer generation of the Longshan period site group represented a culture, but also referred to as ; second bridge culture. characteristics of their own culture is all dominant, its influence further the orthodox range of the distribution of ancient Shu Chengdu Plain, Southern regions and spread to other places Jianghan. Meanwhile, the copper civilization by the Central Plains and the Yangtze River medium reaches of the Xia and Shang Civilization , strongly influenced civilization in Southern Shaanxi, showing the ancient Shu civilization strong cohesion and external derivative of the two sides [23].
Some scholars believe that ancient civilizations and technology Sanxingdui ancient Shu folk themselves established. According to Huayang. Shu prehistoric cultures, thereby creating a peerless mores of the ancient Shu State. Qinmie Shu until 316 BC, the ancient Shu culture began to melt in the Central Plains civilization. The Sanxingdui culture that emphasizes the unique, yet can no unravel it why did the Central Plains culture and a digit of similarities. Some scholars deem that Sanxingdui culture is a branch of Chinese culture Central China, Sichuan, afterward the Central Plains culture with the regional situation in Sichuan to amplify. According to test, Sanxingdui previously Samsung sets, Taiwan 3 kinds of controversy that the Sanxingdui culture is fundamentally Chinese culture, yet by the impact of alien culture. But in ancient China, . These alter versions makes traceability Sanxingdui culture and technology have become more perplexing and confusing, weird [24].
2.3 Yangtze hydropower development was redundant?
2006 年 5 months, the China Yangtze Three Gorges Project Development Corporation Vice President Manager Cao Guangjing, revealed in an exclusive interview with China's quickened development of hydropower resources in Western China, the Yangtze River upstream hydropower development has entered the tip period of 20 years, China ambition in the Yangtze River, and Minjiang, Wujiang River, Yalong, Jialing River and other tributaries of the building one hundred power plants [25] .2006 May partake in the about 10 times the Three Gorges power vegetation [26]. April 2007, by the Yangtze River Water Resources Commission Water Resources Protection Bureau and other editor Weng Lida sometime mentor of the and conservation issues [27]. Yangtze hydropower development was excessive? to argue the issue afresh roused.
2007, the media focus on this issue was once Minister of Water Resources Wang Shucheng year in April at the published point of view: Despite the exuberant water resources in the Yangtze River, Yellow River 15 times, but its degree of development is to face. Wang Shucheng that the development of internationally adopted percentage is 40% water, more than 40% to rivers will lead to serious ecological disaster; the Yangtze River's health standards ought be sustainable development, the Yangtze River should be developed to 60% of the appropriate degree, leaving 40% to retain the original ecological conditions and biodiversity [28].
However, some experts hold a different view on this. China Hydropower Engineering Association, Deputy Secretary-General Zhang Tingbo that the detrimental environment of the current situation, it is the absence of water resources and hydropower development results. due to lack of agreeable Reservoir for power generation So far, China's water development and utilization rate reached only in developed countries are also about 1 / 4. He pointed out that the multinational community generally believes that it is precisely because developing countries like China, a serious shortage of hydropower development, which leads to a large number of global water resources stream away in vain in the meantime, a large number of coal consumption has continued to ascend, causing serious environmental pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. Therefore, Zhang Tingbo that the development and protection of the Yangtze, the headmaster contradiction, should not be over-exploitation of water resources, but a serious lack of development; China should also develop the Yangtze hydropower development [29].
view, whether the development of water over the Yangtze River, and only through time and the development of the consequences, to verify the effect.
2.4 China you invented the lightning rod of ancient?
said speedy wand, people usually consider that Americans contrived .1752 Franklin, Franklin proposed the idea of ​​a speedy rod; 1760, he had a long pointed steel bar installed hard on top of a mansion in Philadelphia, a wire interlocking the bottom, along the architecture through underground, for the first time the structure to dodge the peril of lightning. In fact, as early as the Eastern Han Dynasty, Wang phenomenon of thunder and lightning have a scientific reconnaissance, and in its , after 952 years, lightning has not been broke, the researchers believe that this devise deserving to its construction of a lightning wand structure: Muta high 67 m, of which iron Tasha width 14.21 m, respectively, with eight iron Tasha side necklace lies in the dome to be nailed. of the ancient buildings such lightning rod measures long ahead the invention of Franklin [30] .1688, the French passenger Kaboliou column. a horse cabbage in the : Long tongue along the wire will sprint from the ground, will not mar the building. Thunder and Lightning effect of the use of facilities, is designed for craftsmen who accidentally lightning protection? Or for that purpose but the chance played a lightning effect of the perchance coincidence? this mystery of the crack, possibly lightning will re-confirm the attribution of rights to inventions.
2.5 to the nude eye to see the Great Wall from space, you?
Great Wall is the proud of the Chinese nation is the world's greatest man-made engineering one. Early in the 20th century, 80 years, the community and the media began to spread, China Sea Wall and the Netherlands dam blocking the only astronauts can penetrate from space, man-made project ashore world .2003 October, China's 1st astronaut Yang Liwei returned to Earth from space after the interview, said he did not penetrate the Great Wall space .2004 May 14, the European Space Agency (ESA) astronaut Eugene Cerman website quoted the words of the United States a so-called

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