Wednesday, April 27, 2011

against apt the masses.

GM staple food safety can not be made by a spectator from the Ministry of Agriculture
self-defense is too pale and weak
Zhang Tingbin
opposition to the masses.
approval from the Ministry of Agriculture, the two transgenic staple food safety certification, the public has been alerted passive hindsight, many people of insight to disapprove and question the hasty approval of the Ministry of Agriculture and safety appraisal of genetically modified staple food along a great number of treatises media .3 2 March, I wrote issued a , the darkness of the unknown path to the Ministry of Agriculture recently published a mm either rice and maize approved safety certification. This behavior is a solemn challenge to the challenges of human amounts ​​can not be the bottom line is the bottom line mm bottom line of the elementary dignity of human nature is the elementary right to understand the public The bottom line is the bottom line of human life and health (look enclosure specific controversy).
writer of the paper the last cautious authorities: (them) in transgenic staple food on the road will not be bent? It remains to be seen. If it is Because 无知者无畏 If we can Fanran repentance, there is the possibility of the public to forgive; if the public has been repeatedly questioned, still regard the decision of the public right to know and if onlyhing, then of course the public have the right to question what their motives in the end? them it has become a money slave!
Ministry of Agriculture, the response is very quick and tight, then unfortunately, in the fight against the public questioned their own absurd behavior of sophistry error farther and farther down the road: First, March 3 to the Information Office of the Ministry of Agriculture in the name of the name of a media question and answer no questions, Transgenic Technology and the Ministry of Agriculture on issues such as bio-security question and answer
However, the caption of these two articles have shown that they are not pines: the former one is the hh question on the issue, word approximation is that the sometime is !
Objectively speaking, China has always been the institution of writers who, a few asset to engage with a crowd of the media, few have an thing few exceptions the media strongly contrary; the Chinese community has all been public that the public is reasonable, reasonable matron and she said, there is tiny one thing the vast majority of the public strongly opposed, and the Ministry of Agriculture a marvel.
Why? because GM staple food of the PSP the public's right to know the bottom line; this involves eating the most basic human security of the largest in the decision, not even the standard drug tests do not refer to human health challenges mm that the bottom line of human life and health.
in The three core issues, Ministry of Agriculture, the response is also sallow and feeble!
Department of Agriculture is to certify the safety of GM rice that? showed that transgenic rice no adverse effects on experimental animals,toronto escorts, the making test in 2004, to apply transgenic rice production and application of security certificates. other than that unit to provide technical message, according the Commission an assessment, from 2004 to 2008, the Ministry of Agriculture GMO safety testing agencies transgenic rice molecular characteristics of , environmental security and food safety were detected some indicators verify. Perhaps the answer to the Ministry of Agriculture mm have been remove enough feel responsible to answer to the public of the mm is exceedingly funny is that the public still do not even know their own lives and health standards are the analog of these officials and experts into that kind of animal, mice, or frog? If mice, it was feeding test how long? the public have the right to know the test of course the entire truth mm publish all of the experimental data, approved at a third party public experiment to test! < br> What is science? scientific experts who not demand to self-definition, science is more than a group of people designated officials, One of the most absurd logic of science mm officials said the advance of transgenic technology, the experts concluded that experimental data. if science can be so defined, then the Science is the light of day the face of all the scientists and the public. rather than not hide it and then shriek me to get a big spokesman that is science, I was silly and unaware question mm If so, it is not only a pseudo-science, but rather corrupted the most scientific study of moral peril in Pa, is phony or stolen behalf of the believers.
mention the least, can cause scandal is that the Ministry of Agriculture officials and experts have identified what basis, merely in accordance with the standards of experimental animals was base negate achieve (assuming this is actually the result won in this experiment), concluded that people can not find detrimental effects?! If so, mankind has the glorious vision in the Ministry of Agriculture and animals evolved to the same treatment as the historic moment. or agricultural Ministry officials and experts have identified by least in the consumption of food issues mm, and that they and mice (assuming the beast is mouse) was satisfied in relation to the same treatment. and even then the outlook that human beings should enjoy the treatment the mice gloried.
then say the least, the Ministry of Agriculture officials and experts have found themselves on what basis can the 1.3 billion Chinese people determine to eat genetically modified staple food, and who gave you this super-privileged, who gave you the power of this black box ? this damage of power in the back, who gave you such a defiance of the extraordinary spunk?
The Ministry of Agriculture, question and answer given himself the reason, no one can constitute the technological Proof.
First take genetically modified crops in additional countries namely do. If this logic in consensus with the Ministry of Agriculture, many Western countries of cannabis, such for the legalization of drugs ***, then China should likewise legalize pills indeed; many of the earth the state will legalize gambling, then if China ought also legalize what the gambling?
second is to take the so-called rules and procedures as a shield. we all know, China's new legal system, where those involved in sector-specific industry regulations, most self by the ministries, the State Council in the report, if the parent (or supervisor) has no disapproval to the leading and other ministries, can be identified as the regulations, the more important NPC reported arraigned, and the current National People's Congress is often a absence of vocational full-time professionals in many fields of the limited competence to grip technical security. As in many fields of expertise, superior presidency as better tomorrow, is often not possible in every zone has a special system for beyond professional clutch of power, in fact, a large number of laws and regulations of China, particularly in industry of regulations are often reflected the interests and will of the department. In the process of formation of these regulations, the public is often in the early exclusion, often when suddenly awoke in the lawful announcement, the defects in the relevant laws and regulations of genetically modified particularly manifest in the rendition.
in the March 15 question in the Agriculture Ministry, the motives of the most tough to meter the mm to promote sector interests and will of the transgenic abduction issue to the central head mm industrialization of new varieties of genetically modified the interests of a small number of individuals and ministries for industry Stoppering laws and regulations, as well as parceled into the relevant senior document. Thus, when the paper eventually cloud there's fire, was exposed when the vested interests of their departments, the public and the largest number of people rallied against the , they took these regulations and documents as a shield, tried to obtain involved higher-level statutes and regulations, amplify parent and social prices of correcting their errors.
this behavior,such for Heng Hesha teachers mention, whether it is not the subjective aim, only to be around vested interests to mislead moment, rectifies it, already can be forgiven; If it is intentional subjectively, and the extensive misgiving in the public and plucky opposition, not only does not reflect on their own, without apology, not corrected, instead of holding these regulations and document a shield against public supervision, mix of private Lijia Se and central public sector decision-making between the heart, it changes the nature of mm to drive a wedge between rulers and peoples that flesh and blood relations, the breakdown of a heap of the people the positiveness to senior decision-making and intensify social contradictions build instability.
Perhaps for this reason that two sessions this year, Premier Wen Jiabao's conditions that grant people to criticize and administer the government. At the same time the newspaper media should give full play to the administrative character, so that the power to escape off in the sun. and more agreeable. for the public and governing for the people socialist nation not compromise the bottom line resistance
author's note: Although I am a reformist, have always believed that to as near to just; What, then, I firmly deem that the world, the challenges of human and some can not be the bottom line, the bottom line is the bottom line of the basic dignity of human nature is the fundamental public right to know the bottom line is the bottom line of human life and health. transgenic staple food are challenges with the three bottom line, this is the reason not longer silent.
transgenic staple food, this is a bottom line of the Chinese people can not fight surrenders, the bottom line is the bottom line of health, human dignity is the bottom line is continuation of the bottom line of life of hereafter generations.
Food is, and will contain a decision of all Chinese people, in most cases without the perception of the Chinese people, the darkness of the unknown path to the introduction of the Ministry of Agriculture has approved mm rice and maize, the staple food of the Chinese people both planting.
So far, no one can prove that GM food will not affect the health and safety of human life. you know, in the transgenic seeds, some people replaced the name of science Heaven (God) creation feature, to subvert the natural logic, they can shred in two altogether unrelated to mm or even of food and bacteria genes mm rearranged into a new food species. No one can vouch that new species will not man-made, while it will mutate, cause injury to humans.
World Health Organization, this evaluation is: individual-by-case evaluation of genetically modified food and its safety, and not to all of the safety of genetically modified foods made general expressions. currently available in the worldwide market of genetically modified foods have passed risk assessments and may not be risky to human health. may not be dangerous to human health exculpate mm white mice to eat right, they have at present failed to cater test file from mice, but did not dare to reiterate the mice independent third gathering testing. In fact, international research institutions have one independent proof of small GM food evolution test rats appeared in the body (see, uh, Mr. Doyle, the Thus, the logic back that, mutatis mutandis, to human health standard mouse on it.
we have to accent that folk are no mice, are the pith of the universe is long of entire entities spiritual, the person morale and pork than the mouse precision innumerable periods! transgenic edible staples such darkness of the nameless route, is human self-respect the bottom line of the final dare; food neither drugs, drugs are people sometimes dine, and food, particularly staple food is a human every daytime, eat lots! This is a male Finally, the bottom line of life and health challenges.
even a small digit of patients as drugs, in addition to experimental mice, yet also later three rigorous clinical trials to validation its small settled and controllable side effects tin be secondhand. the light of this standard, and now maximum people eat lots of genetically modified staple food, how the manipulation is not even the drugs could experiment with a mouse on the protection of safety and health of it?!
inconceivable that such a risk exists, involving 1.3 billion people's lives and health of the biggest public issues, the Taxi prices have even opened the hearing, the cares of every human life the most major public health issue, how can such a black box out? the public's right to life, right to information and participation in decision-making power lie? some experts Why has such a huge and relevant departments of peremptory power? their ridiculous behavior that the public right to know the bottom line is the final challenge!
all this absolutely can not quibble with the omission or scurry, but can not use the so-called ; science the strong coerce big manufacture! they contest for power and civilization of mankind competitive lofty floor of the protagonist. Former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, all of the words revealed his secret: slightly amplified, that is, who controls the transgenic staple food, whoever controls the food of China, whoever controls the fortunes of China, the Chinese will come to control the race!
when passed down for thousands of annuals humans were genetically modified seeds beneath the banner of Enemy Agriculture is a quite small number of transnational oligarchs patent privileges,toronto escort, and certain pesticides and chemical fertilizers and special to work for the eradication of small-scale livelihood farming, clearing the course for large-scale monopoly reasons, accordingly the formation of a transnational oligarchy of the super-food privileges. This is jump to the cross-oligopoly win huge profits, but will disperse hundreds of millions of farmers in agriculture, reduced to the urban needy, the formation of magnificent social stress. that is, when money became the ultimate victor, who became the money of slave under the mouse, the health of countless people and well-being will be sacrificed.
authorities in transgenic staple food on the road will not be bent? It remains to be seen. If it is because 无知者无畏 If we can Fanran repentance, there is the potentiality of the public to forgive; if the community the public has been repeatedly questioned, still regard the decision of the public right to know and if it were not forhing, then of lesson the public have the right to question their motives in the end that? if they have chance slaves of money!
Department of Agriculture to promote Research and applying of transgenic technology
A reporter queried the Ministry of Agriculture: According to the chief authorities apt enhance the industrialization of fashionable varieties of genetically modified

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