Thursday, May 5, 2011

wise namely apt educate out of the w{nameinstructd apt to teach them

Sage juvenile mom did not receive schooling
>>> early Li told us an object, this thing namely real, this namely archaic times, there namely such a area, out of an inverse apt slew his dad, of lesson, the decease penalty. the court mandated the judge of the location (that is, shire) bureau; governor, is the sometime ruler, demerits, demerits, is beneath your control, how could a such a villain? to educate regional officials are not act your duty. This action is insufficient, the court decreed namely, in the past have walls, walled town, tear down the walls of a edge, said it out of the area of ​​a metropolis such a great lack of filial fidelity, who are the shame of the city, so solemn! patricide Shamu immediately is not the news, often seen in the past to the not, this is the big things. early Republican era, my old can remember,shanghai massage, government laws There are so an is phoned differentiate you, man in society, it is parental rights action. This is not a statute, and now do not talk of parental rights, and now talk almost person rights, pro-nor the right to a. so this is the 1st sin, patricide, Shamu.
>>> Second, the sin is the same offense, known for Buddhism and additional streams, is to kill the teacher. Lohans beings in this world is enlightenment, the good teacher! you ambition him killed, he did not end with the crime, whom Results offense? Xu He knowledgeable a lot more people can approve, the chance was worked, you're going to face with his teaching of the clash of the period of the crime from the node here. So it is also disrespectful of the crime, is without mistrust will be cast into hell. In other words of society, principally good on social education, the influence of these good people, we have to respect him, to adore him, learn from him. We killed him on the same sin Arhat harm, which is Avici's sin than anything another massive. Why? the community is to teach well, if none wants to teach his school broke down, there is a really good education here and bad people can transform good, evil can become a good man. Guren Jiang was Well, wise is to teach out of the cursed is to teach them, and see how you teach. If we ambition to teach a saint, I wish this child into Yin holiness, to teach him since infancy. parents have not read the writings of sages and saints he could not teach This sure.
>>> everybody, and we in a lifetime, the first pedagogue was his mother. baby to depart the baby from birth to three years age, the real roots of this education is that one thousand days, from birth to three years age, this is not one thousand days to learn, very complicated to study after. Chinese ancient rites, fertile women, the ancient ceremony there, the gift of pregnancy, the mother of this person, who have decided, false words are to be dignified,beijing massage, solemn-called is correct. Why? her good heart, good words and actions of the children infected at her, is good sense; if she thought of meager, bad words and deeds, the poor felt the fetus, called prenatal concern. connate, He opened his eyes to see, he would hear, he has been imitated, you can not say the child of ignorance, you are erroneous. The child is very clever, he saw adults, adults listen, peruse the thousand days, the basis of deep-rooted , the mother of his children too. Now the young mother did not receive sages education, she did not understand. She was knowledgeable that? are now TV, grew up a little school, the school in a diplomatic country we know thatelementary school, Grade school microprocessor, the microcomputer a lot of inside message, influence too! how can the world into chaos? Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, gods to save entire,shanghai escort, that all can not instruct! not do anything to teach. beings a sense of poorly-made work, that is a disaster. disaster get down to? perplexity in society, the phenomenon of global catastrophe is this occasions.
>>> Two years antecedent, the Americans fired the a quite scared, truly? half of people calculate that is true, half were thought to be unreliable. in the end is true, 2012 was presently up. even the world's scientists, views aboard this issue is half of the half. more optimistic that the scientists tell us, he said, 2012 is that we give up malign and subserve good human creatures, repented, correct idea a turn for the better, can turn approximately, the earth ambition enhance. The statement is very well,2010-04-01 | not look aboard the floor of loveliness, can not turn nigh? how convey method? time that coerce needs,toronto escorts, variant month is 2011 to December of 2012, two years, can turn the past 2 years ? we first look to the religious believers, for ordinary religious believers believe in karma, if religious people ambition see frightful things, truly determined to give up evil and virtue, and repented, the line, there is aid! can save yourself, save kin, can save society, merely likewise help slow down the Earth's disaster mitigation, this a good thing! limitless Most Excellent merit. If the switch over, many people believe that this misadventure will occur to the time of the disaster, repent also late. http: / / free time presently to support the public are greet to join the second set of a 4
【* *** imperative to argue human who narrate Namo Amitabha Namo Avalokiteshvara *** *** No * stalls, the Earth St. * Rescued the tip of the cessation of global warming disaster the globe to corner things around】 *** Please see the Internet site full Manuscripts Graphic Solutions
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